A LITTLE BIT OF ME… Whether as a child, a teenager or an adult, I always saw my grandmother with a novel in her hand. Romance novels had his preference but I later chose to write Fantasy.
Thus was born the saga La Prime Protectrice « The Protective Premium ». A saga that takes you into a whirlwind of adventure, magic and feelings. It is true that I like to escape into imaginary worlds calling for all possibilities and sometimes, too, a little love ! I also devour classical literature, contemporary novels, crime novels. A mix-all. But above all, the universe that was revealing for me is that of Terry GOODKIND, author of the saga The Sword of Truth. I was caught in his net.
I have read I do not know how many times all his volumes. This author gave me the desire to start writing my own works. To share my own laws and truths ! To bring my ideas while highlighting a female character with magic. The Protective Premium !
A rich and thrilling universe.
We set off to discover a world filled with secrets and magic that will be gradually revealed during the reading. This adventure is deliberately oppressive for the young sovereign, between responsibilities and questions about oneself. Not to mention an epic to succeed, whatever the price. Will it succeed ? Will she, with the help of her fellow travelers and allies, save her world and thus restore peace ? Will some of his allies and enemies really be allies or enemies ? Characters fully portrayed because vital for our sovereign and adventure !
Fantasy, this universe, is part of me.
Other characters will probably emerge, outside this saga, always with a little thought for this genius.
See you soon.
I kiss you,
Coralie Laurent
My favorite quotes
“First lesson : People tend to take as true what they wish to be the truth or what they fear to be the truth.
Lesson Two : The worst evils come from the best intentions.
Lesson Three : Passion dominates reason.
Lesson Four : To absolve is to give to others. But also to receive from them more than what they have been offered.
Lesson Five : Remember what people do, not just what they say, because actions will betray a lie.
Lesson Six : The only sovereign whose yoke must be accepted is reason.
Lesson Seven : Life is the future, not the past.
Lesson Eight : Deserve Victory.
Lesson Nine : A contradiction cannot exist, either in part or in whole.
Lesson Ten : To knowingly turn away from the truth is to betray oneself. »