Presentation on the networks of the dedication session in Le Puy-en-Velay

Publications made by the Fnac of Puy-en-Velay to promote my coming.

I thank them for posting these posters on the networks.

See you soon the Ponots!

What is said on these promotional posters :

Coralie Laurent, whether small, teenager, or adult, has always seen her grandmother with a novel in her hand. Romance novels had his preference but our author chose to write Fantasy. Thus was born the saga La Prime Protectrice. The author takes us into a whirlwind of adventure, magic and feelings.

It is true that she likes to escape into imaginary worlds calling for all possibilities and sometimes, too, a little love !

She also devours classical literature, contemporary novels, crime novels. A mix of everything.

“The Protective Premium” 1 and 2

Barely crowned and facing the fall of the magical fortification, June Ahra will go in search of the White Vial, the artifact to stop the collapse of the only real protection separating the two countries and avoid a new Black War.

Twenty years earlier, the latter having found only as a way out the construction of an extraordinary enclosure, composed of a mixture of black magic and white magic and then followed by a stone wall wrapped in invisible magic, holding back the Shadow Men and their devotees …