Presentation made by the store in view of the dedications session on February 24, 2024 !

Coralie Laurent at a dedications session at the Fnac du Puy en Velay

Saturday, February 24, 2024

10:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.

The Fnac du Puy en Velay is pleased to welcome Coralie Laurent for a signing session for volume 3 of the series entitled “The Protective Premium”. 

The imaginary worlds of fantasy allow for all kinds of audacity, all kinds of creations. Coralie Laurent is the author of this saga in which magic, creatures and exhilarating adventures are intertwined. All of this is dominated by a heroine who is as formidable as she is endearing.

Introduced to reading by her grandmother, it is also with a touch of love that you will escape…

June Ahra, the ruler of Center Life known to her subjects as the Protector Bounty, is trying to save her kingdom from collapse. At the cost of many dangers, she is now in possession of the White Vial, an artifact that is the source of powerful powers.

Many magicians have given their lives to deposit every ounce of their enchantments in this bottle that has become so sacred. But as the darkness continues to gain ground, how will the young Queen return to the precincts of her country ? Will it reach the fortifications in time ? How far will the duty to protect and maintain peace take June ? The preservation of life at the risk of one’s own…

La prime protectrice tome 3 La fiole blanche