Fantasy = imaginary creatures ?

  • Supernatural creatures are not only the panacea of Fantasy, there are also some in Fantastic.

They will, on the other hand, always be added to the feeling of fear and discomfort. Take, for example, vampires, who are far from the astonishment and wonder that comes with the appearance of magic in Fantasy (in general !).


  • Fantasy also appears almost immediately to the reader, by an allusion, an attitude etc., unlike the Fantastic.

The first chapters will have a rather enigmatic atmosphere. The supernatural thus appears gradually with coldness, worry.

If we take the example of the vampire, you will tell me that sometimes it does not arouse fear in the character or the reader. In this case, the Fantastic comes to intermingle with the Fantasy to allow this acceptance.

We will now continue on the distinctions, differences, between FANTASY AND FANTASTIC to better understand these subgenres… 🙂