3) After writing !

3) After writing !

That’s it ! Your novel is (finally) finished. However, don’t forget to find a title for it !

1. The first thing to do afterwards is to re-read the whole thing. And several times if necessary !

This allows you to have a fairly good overall impression of your novel and to take a little distance from the stage of writing where you had your nose glued to the sheet or the screen !

2. Have someone other than oneself proofread.

This person must remain objective with regard to the content and quality of their remarks, so be careful with the choice of this person ! (You can also hire a proofreader to take care of the technical aspects objectively.)

3. Sending to publishers !

To begin with, there are some rules (again !) to follow :

– The layout should be neat.

– You must know the editorial guidelines of the publishers to whom you intend to send your manuscript. You don’t send a bloody thriller to a children’s publishing house, for example !

– Write the letter that will accompany your manuscript.


Last but not least, wait and don’t get discouraged !

Whatever the answers, keep writing, keep working… You’ll be rewarded for it in one way or another !